Hard-boiled eggs, absolutely vegan! Homemade vegan hard-boiled eggs: with my recipe you can enjoy this easy snack again. And use it it in many different recipes, that requiere boiled eggs.

Here I put 2 halves of the vegan, hard eggs together in an egg cup. This is an easy way to serve a vegan, hard-boiled breakfast egg.
Here I put 2 halves of the vegan, hard eggs together in an egg cup. This is an easy way to serve a vegan, hard-boiled breakfast egg.

Vegan hard-boiled eggs – a simple recipe with just a few ingredients

Hard-boiled chicken eggs are made by cooking fresh eggs in boiling water until the whites and yolks are completely solid. Of course, it’s hard to beat this in terms of simplicity.

Not quite as simple, but still very easy and with just a few ingredients you can cook my vegan, hard eggs. Aside from the hour wait for the egg whites to set, it’s also very quick to make.

Vegan hard-boiled eggs – purely plant-based
Vegan hard-boiled eggs – purely plant-based

Vegan breakfast egg? No problem!

With my recipe for vegan, hard eggs you can easily add a vegan breakfast egg to the table! To do this, simply take two halves of my vegan, hard-boiled egg halves and put them together in an egg cup. Et voila! Vegan breakfast egg!

Vegan Sunday breakfast: vegan hard-boiled egg on vegan egg salad on a roll. Plus a hard-boiled egg with salt, pepper and chives and of course a cup of coffee.
Vegan Sunday breakfast: vegan hard-boiled egg on vegan egg salad on a roll. Plus a hard-boiled egg with salt, pepper and chives and of course a cup of coffee.

Vegan without sacrifice

It’s so easy to be vegan these days. Just look around here on Daily Vegan for example.
Here you can find recipe categories such as ‘V meat‘, ‘V fish‘, ‘Cheese‘ or ‘Eggs‘. This means that no one has to miss out on their favorite tastes and dishes. Like with my vegan hard-boiled eggs in this recipe.

And there are all the vegan products that have found their way into supermarkets in recent years and all the vegan options in restaurants.

I always say, that every vegan meal means a little more climate protection and a little less animal suffering. Try it out or surprise a non-vegan person with these vegan eggs.

Vegan without sacrifice: not even eggs are missing.
Vegan without sacrifice: not even eggs are missing.

Vegan hard-boiled eggs as a protein source in your diet

Non-vegan eggs are very popular as a source of protein. Especially for people who do sports and want to build their muscles.

I have good news! My vegan hard eggs are also a great source of protein as well. Because they are made with tofu and soy milk. With this vegan egg substitute you don’t have to miss out on anything!

Vegan hard-boiled eggs are an excellent source of protein
Vegan hard-boiled eggs are an excellent source of protein

Vegan hard-boiled eggs can be used in many ways

My vegan hard-boiled eggs are perfect as a snack, as part of salads or as a side dish and ingredient in various dishes.

You can also use this recipe for stuffed eggs, so-called devilled eggs or Russian eggs. You can add them to a charcuterie cold plate, put them in slices on a sandwich, add thm to a vegan egg salad and put two halves together as a complete hard-boiled egg. A perfect Sunday breakfast and a must have for vegan Easter.
Also delicious in potato or pasta salad or as a side dish to many meals.

Vegan hard-boiled eggs can be used in many ways
Vegan hard-boiled eggs can be used in many ways

My vegan hard-boiled eggs in the restaurant

I have often used my vegan, hard eggs as a professional chef in restaurants. For example in my own former restaurant, Plantenköök. I had a vegan egg sandwich on the menu there. And the seasonal menu, which I chenged monthly, occasionally featured vegan Labskaus (a German fish meal) with eggs.

Unser Feiersalat-Sandwich in meinem ehemaligen Restaurant. Mit veganem halben Ei, veganem Eiersalat, Sprossen und Gurke.
Our celebratory salad sandwich at my former restaurant. With vegan half an egg, vegan egg salad, sprouts and cucumber on home-baked bread.
Veganes Labskaus mit veganem halben Ei und Auberginen-Rollmops. Der Vischgang des abendlichen Fünf-Gang-Menüs im April 23.
Vegan Labskaus (a German traditional fish dish) with vegan half egg. The vish course of the evening five-course menu in April 2023.

More vegan egg recipes

Do you like eating eggs or do you miss the taste or different egg dishes? Then browse through my category ‘Eggs’ here on Daily Vegan, where you will find many vegan egg alternatives.

Here’s a little taste:

Vegan hard-boiled eggs are perfect as a snack, as part of salads or as a side dish and ingredient in various dishes.
Vegan hard-boiled eggs are perfect as a snack, as part of salads or as a side dish and ingredient in various dishes.

Things you need to make vegan eggs

To give the eggs their typical shape, you need a silicone egg mold. These are actually used for making candy eggs at Easter. If you’re lucky, you’ll find them in the baking department of a store, otherwise you can order them online.
A ball cutter is also very helpful for forming the yolk well in the vegan egg white. But you can also use a teaspoon for this.

To give the vegan eggs their typical shape, you need a silicone egg mold.
To give the vegan eggs their typical shape, you need a silicone egg mold.

Vegan hard-boiled eggs made from simple ingredients

My vegan hard eggs are made from normal, standard, very simple ingredients. Protein-rich tofu and soy milk, the latter combined with agar agar, a vegetable gelling agent made from algae. Add some vegan mayonnaise and spices for flavor. The only spice you couldn’t have in the house is kalak namak, also called kala namak or black salt. This sulfurized salt is important for the original egg taste, so it should not be missed. You can get it very cheaply in Indian supermarkets and a little more expensively in large supermarkets or online from the vegan online shop of your choice.

My vegan eggs are made from normal, standard ingredients.
My vegan eggs are made from normal, standard ingredients.

Vegan hard-boiled eggs: the preparation in pictures

1. Vegan hard-boiled eggs: the ingredients for the egg whites. These are mixed and cooked.
1. Vegan hard-boiled eggs: the ingredients for the egg whites. These are mixed and cooked.
2. The hot vegan egg whites are poured into the silicone molds.
2. The hot vegan egg whites are poured into the silicone molds.
3. After the vegan egg whites are cooled down, I cut out the shape for the egg yolks.
3. After the vegan egg whites are cooled down, I cut out the shape for the egg yolks.
4. All ingredients for the vegan egg yolk. These simply have to be pureed together.
4. All ingredients for the vegan egg yolk. These simply have to be pureed together.
5. The egg yolk is filled into the whites and smoothed out.
5. The egg yolk is filled into the whites and smoothed out.
Vegan eggs – hard-boiled – purely plant-based
Vegan eggs – hard-boiled – purely plant-based

Ingredients for 12 half, vegan, hard eggs:

Egg whites:

500 ml soy milk
2 teaspoons agar agar (pure agar agar. Some agar products are mixed with starch)
1/2 tsp kalak namak

Egg yolks:

100 g firm tofu
1 tbsp vegan mayonnaise
1 tsp white balsamic vinegar
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp kalak namak
1 tsp turmeric
1 pinch of pepper


  1. Mix the soy milk with the agar agar and bring to the boil in a pot.
  2. Remove from heat and stir in the kalak namak.
  3. Pour immediately into the egg molds and place in the refrigerator for an hour.
  4. Puree all the ingredients for the egg yolks together.
  5. Make a small sphere in each egg white using a teaspoon or, better yet, a ball cutter, where the yolk should be placed.
  6. Fill in the egg yolk with a teaspoon and model until smooth.

Bon appetit!

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Vegan hard-boiled eggs – purely plant-based
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