Welcome to the dailyvegan.de archive. Here you will find all the recipes that have been published on Daily Vegan.

I have divided the recipes in the archive into different sorts. Sorted by popular keywords, publication year and months, categories or topicality. Simply click on the respective links!

You can find a complete list from A-Z with all vegan recipes here.

Have fun browsing, reading, marveling and cooking!

Latest posts

These are the 5 newest vegan recipes on Daily Vegan. This is particularly interesting because the recipes match the current season.

At Daily Vegan I pay a lot of attention to cooking with regional, seasonal produce. Therefore, current recipes are usually made with regional, seasonal fruit, vegetables, herbs or mushrooms.

Every now and then I also use wild ingredients, such as mushrooms, herbs, leaves or fruits I forage myself. You will always learn something about the characteristics, appearance and occurrence.

Archive: View recipes by category

On Daily Vegan I have divided the recipes into different categories. The following categories are available on Daily Vegan. If you click on one of the categories, you will see all the recipes that belong to it:

Archive: View recipes by keyword

Here you will find the most frequently used keywords on Daily Vegan. When you click on a keyword, you will see all the recipes that fall under this keyword.

The keywords change depending on the season, depending on what I’m currently publishing and depending on what users are looking for:

Anchovies apples Aubergines autumn Baguette baking beetroot Brokkoli Brussel sprouts buns caramel cheese chocolate Christmas Christmas biscuits Christmas cookies cream cheese custard Dip Polenta recipe salad Sandwich seasonal Seitan shallots vegan yeast dough

Archive: Recipes by month and year

Do you also love seasonal cuisine with fresh, regional products so much? Then this list, divided according to the months the recipes were published, is just the thing for you. You will find lots of recipes with seasonal ingredients!

Behind the month of publication you will always find the year of publication. Since Daily Vegan has been around since 2016 in German and 2019 in English, there is a huge treasure trove of vegan recipes here.

Did you enjoy this recipe?

If you'd like to treat me to a coffee. So that I can continue to develope recipes, cook them and take pictures to publish on dailyvegan.de, please send me a small Paypal donation.
I only ask you to do so, if you have enough money for yourself. If you have little money, I would like you to treat yourself to something.

Archive - all recipes from dailyvegan.de
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Archive - all recipes from dailyvegan.de
Welcome to the dailyvegan.de archive. Here you will find all the recipes that have been published on Daily Vegan. I have divided the recipes in the archive into different sorts. Sorted by popular keywords, publication year and months, categories or topicality. Simply click on the respective links!
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