Category: Baking and sweets

Baking and sweets. Here you will find the delicious variety of vegan baking and vegan desserts.

From cakes to desserts, simple cakes, biscuits and cookies, as well as savory baked goods. Everything delicious, everything vegan.

Have fun browsing, marveling and cooking!

Strawberry cake – vegan, with sponge cake and vanilla custard

It’s strawberry season! And I love strawberries! So today I have made my delicious strawberry cake with fresh berries on…

Vanilla crescents (Vanillekipferl), wonderful Christmas biscuits

Vanillekipferl, vanilla crescents. The most popular christmas biscuit (cookie) in Gemany and Austria.It’s wonderful vanilla fragrance! And the feeling on…

Pumpkin bread, spicy, with chocolate and walnuts

Spicy pumpkin bread with chocolate and nuts !!!It is the beginning of November. Here in Germany, the temperatures have dropped…

German crullers, a fun fair must eat!

On German Christmas markets and fun fairs, you can find these tasty, aromatic crullers everywhere! They are called Schmalzkuchen, Schmalzgebäck…

Meatball sandwich, with homemade subway bread

Juicy meatballs in a delicious tomato sauce on a vegan meatball sub. I’ve baked the homemade bread in the style…

Delicious rhubarb meringue tartelettes

I’m starting this year’s rhubarb season with my pretty, little rhubarb meringue tartelettes. Made with small, tender pastry shells. Filled…

Crunchy pretzel cupcakes with salty peanut butter

Drool! Crunchy pretzel cupcakes with salty peanut butter and chocolate.A crispy cup made of pretzels. Filled with rich dark chocolate…

Pastéis de Nata, Portuguese custard pies

Bom dia! There are some dishes, that I really missed after becoming vegan. When I was still a vegetarian school…

Yellow Smoothie – fresher and tastier than money can buy

My yellow smoothie is packed with vitamins. Perfect for a wet and cold autumn or in wintertime.Quickly prepared in just…

Poppy Seed Streusel Cake – a whole baking tray – vegan

Growing up in Germany, I used to love poppy seed cakes from the bakery. Since when I was a kid…

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